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What is Youtube Shorts?

Announced since September 2020 by Youtube, this new service lands in France and in many other countries (after tests in India, USA/Canada and South America). 

Youtube Shorts is a product that has an objective, to compete with TikTok with the possibility of publishing very short videos. 

Thus, Youtube Shorts are videos of one minute (or 60 seconds) maximum.

Youtube Shorts offer the possibility to add text, sound (effects, excerpts …). From now on, it is even possible for creators to use sound clips directly from a Youtube video (this was not possible before). 

Also, a catalog of several million tracks is available for Youtube Shorts (among more than 250 labels). But the available excerpts are limited to 15 seconds due to copyright issues. 

As you know, Youtube is owned by Google and the company announced to offer 100 million dollars for the development of Youtube Shorts in 2021/2022. 

Actually, what we are interested in today is the potential of Youtube Shorts for artists and labels.

Thus, we can essentially summarize their usefulness in 3 points: 

Bringing music to users 
Music is a very powerful tool coupled with short-form videos, allowing users to easily and quickly discover new artists.

Artists can connect with their fans 
Artists can engage with their audience with Youtube Shorts by speaking directly to fans and future fans.

Promote artists’ music 
You put a lot of effort and passion into your music, Youtube Shorts fits perfectly into your release strategy to keep your fans engaged and get them to visit your Youtube account. 

What if we discover how to create Youtube Shorts? 

It is possible to create a Youtube Shorts directly from the mobile application:

But also directly from your official clip:

But where to find the Shorts through Youtube?

How to make my video be considered as a Youtube Shorts? 

As said above, Youtube Shorts are videos of less than a minute, but is a video respecting this duration automatically considered as a Youtube Shorts? 

Not quite, the video has to be less than 1 minute long & uploaded in 9:16 or 1:1.

How about statistics on Youtube Shorts? 

As you probably know, Youtube allows you to access many statistics on your videos, the same goes for your Youtube Shorts. 

Indeed, directly from your Shorts, you can click on the Analytics button to display the statistics related to the video.

By the way, if you want more information on how to manage your official channel do not hesitate to read our article on the subject.

How about learning how to promote your music on Youtube Shorts? 

A tip to get started, test several types of Youtube Shorts content using music from your audio library. Dance, Lyp-Syncing or whatever you want. 

Also, don’t hesitate to stay close to your fans after a release by posting Shorts that encourage them to use your music. You can also set up challenges. 

And for me as an artist or label, how to access Youtube Shorts?

For the moment Youtube is working on integrating more and more labels and tracks, so you have to be patient, because it may take a little time.